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Life Education


Life education is one of the core educational principles at our Methodist College. Our goal is to implement holistic education and cultivate students' comprehensive development in areas such as morality, intelligence, physical fitness, group dynamics, aesthetics, and spirituality. We believe that besides academic education, it is equally important to help students grow in emotional intelligence, interpersonal relationships, character development, and spiritual life.

Our life education curriculum is designed based on the specific needs and developmental tasks of students throughout their growth journey, drawing inspiration from the established life education curriculum in Taiwan. Form 1 to Form 6 focuses on different themes:


Form 1: A Journey of Self-Discovery (Personal Growth)

Form 2: The Art of Self-Leadership (Self-Management)

Form 3: Nurturing Dreams through Career Education (Unleash Your Potential!)

Form 4: Inspiring Through Social Service, Civic Education, and National Education

            (Embrace the Role of a Visionary Leader)

Form 5: Embracing Global Citizenship in the New Era (Championing Environmental Education)

Form 6: Cultivating Wellness and Resilience (Achieving a Harmonious Lifestyle)


To align with these themes, our life education team designs various class teacher periods and activities for each form. We believe that life education should not be one-sided or confined to the classroom. Students need firsthand experiences and interactions with others to grow and gain a deeper understanding of the purpose and meaning of life. Therefore, in our life education curriculum, each grade is assigned various experiential activities of different scales. For example, Form 1 has a Growth Ceremony and a Growth Buddy Camp, Form 2 has adventure training camps and social service activities, Form 3 has class teacher periods, Form 4 has academic service-learning activities, Form 5 has campfire night, and Form 6 has a farewell ceremony.

Furthermore, in recent years, we have placed a strong emphasis on value education, aiming to cultivate students' humility and compassion through serving others. Each year, we collaborate with social welfare organizations to arrange social service activities for students at different forms. These activities include visiting elderly centers, elderly individuals living alone, and organizing events at social welfare institutions. Additionally, we have established volunteer service teams to encourage student participation in various community service activities. Apart from local community service, we also organize voluntary service trip to Mainland China or overseas, allowing students to broaden their horizons and develop an open-minded attitude.

Life education is an integral part of our school's educational system, and we are dedicated to nurturing students' holistic development, helping them become individuals with character, a sense of responsibility, and a caring spirit, while preparing them for their future.


Life Education Experiential Activities

 (Form 1 Life Education Camp)


 (Form 1 Growth Ceremony)


(Form 3 Life Education Camp)


 (Form 4 Careers Day)

F1 Growth Celebration Ceremony

Students cooked together in F2 Life Education Camp

Students were enjoying hot pot with classmates in F5 overnight camp.

Report on Religious Activities 2023-2024

We aim to develop whole-person education, based on Christian principles, and to nurture a wholesome life through the preaching of the Gospel. We help our students find the value of life in God. God created us and sees our value, which is not based on academic performance, popularity, power or ability, but exists solely because of God.  

We treasured the time we prayed and worshipped together, through morning prayer meetings, prayer time during each form’s morning line-up session and assemblies. We learnt to love one another in SCF, the F.1 Alpha Course and at different camps. We preached the gospel in assemblies and Evangelistic Week. We believe students can grow to maturity through intellectual and whole-person development, just as the Bible says: “We proclaim God by instructing and teaching all the people with all wisdom so that we may present every person mature in Christ” (Col 1:28).


We Pray Together



We Worship God


We Grow Together in SCF



We Share and Grow in the F.1 Alpha Course


We Preach the Gospel


Regular Religious Activities in 2024-2025





Morning Prayer Meeting

Wednesdays (A3, B3)


Tuck Shop

Student Christian Fellowship (SCF)

Every other Friday


Lower Hall

F.1 Alpha Course

Wednesdays (A3,B3)


Lower Hall


F.1 Alpha Camp: 29-30/11/2024

Evangelistic Week: 17/3 - 21/3/2024 


"Praise the Lord, all nations! Extol him, all peoples! For great is his steadfast love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever. Praise the Lord!" - Psalm 117:1-2

National Security Education (NSE) is an important component of values education. It is inseparable from national education and an indispensable part of school curriculum.

The Law of the People’s Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (NSL) has been promulgated and implemented since 30 June 2020. As stipulated in Article 10 of the NSL, “The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall promote national security education in schools and universities and through social organisations, the media, the internet and other means to raise the awareness of Hong Kong residents of national security and of the obligation to abide by the law”. It is the responsibility of our school to implement NSE through the school curriculum. 

Building on schools’ implementation of Constitution and Basic Law education, we adopt a “multi-pronged and co-ordinated” approach to promoting NSE holistically through related Key Learning Areas/subjects, values education (including moral, civic and national education), as well as learning activities within and beyond the classroom at different learning stages according to students’ cognitive abilities. Elements of NSE integrated organically in and connected naturally with the curriculum contents of various subjects to strengthen students’ understanding of the rule of law, national conditions, and enable them to understand the importance of safeguarding national security. This also enhances students’ sense of national identity and facilitates their development of important concepts such as nationhood, “One Country, Two Systems”, rule of law, rights and duties, responsibility, commitment, respect for others and self-discipline.


National Education Talk : 雙循環」新發展格局與香港的機遇

Speaker :周文港博士


National Education Talk : 憲法與我

Speaker :李浩然博士 


Flag Raising Squad 2023-2024 

Advisors: Mr. Lam Chi Wai, Mr. Chan Hon Wai, Ms. Ko Siu Man


3B Lu Lesi


4G Lau Hing Ki Aviva

4R Tai Wing Ki


1B   Li Xuanlin   

1G   Fung Hay Tung Bernice 

1R   Leung Ho Yee

1R   Zhang Zixi     

1W  Leung Ka Ching    

2B   Chen Jenny    

2G   Chan Ka Ho   

2R   Lee Man Hei

2R   Feng Yu Chik Richie

2R   Lin Yiu Fung

2R   Yam Nok Hang

2W  Lau Suet Ying

3B   Wong Ching Fung Lucas

3G   Kong Tsz Man

3G   Yu Chun Hong Sean      

3R   Wong Wang Hei     

4W  Liu Ho Ching 



  • Summer Training Program of Flag Raising Ceremony
  • Workshop on Flag Raising Ceremony
  • Flag Raising Ceremony


Summer Training Program of Flag Raising Ceremony


Workshop on Flag Raising Ceremony


Flag Raising Ceremony of Nanjing Massacre National Memorial Day




S1 Induction Day - Big Brother and Big Sister Scheme












Healthy Campus Program

"Health SUN Power" - Blessing Life - Healthy Campus Program

Methodist College is participating in the "Healthy Campus Program" funded by the Anti-Drug Fund this academic year. This three-year program aims to help students develop healthy lifestyle habits, establish positive life perspectives and values, learn practical life skills, and resist temptations.

Goals of the "Healthy Campus Program":

  1. Enhance adolescents' knowledge of drugs and substance abuse, and promote the message of a "drug-free healthy campus" within the school.
  2. Focus on the mental health and stress of adolescents, provide positive and preventive activities, and prevent adolescents from using inappropriate methods to deal with emotions and stress.
  3. Provide various opportunities for adolescents to showcase their strengths and establish positive peer groups, reducing the influence of negative peer groups.
  4. Encourage parents to become familiar with the "Healthy Campus Program" and provide activities for them to strengthen parent-child relationships.


"Healthy Campus Program" Activity Schedule: 




September - October 2024

"Positive Family" Parenting Workshop


November 2024

Healthy Campus Exhibitions

Form 2 Students

February 2025

Anti-drug Competition

Form 3 Students

 March 2025

 Life Education Camp

Form 5 Students

 June 2025

Visit the Hong Kong Jockey Club Drug InfoCentre

Form 1 Students

June 2025

"Another Life Experience Event" (Careers Education)

Form 4 Students


"Positive Family" Parenting Workshop Participants Group Photo


Healthy Campus Exhibition


Life Education Camp