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Our Characteristics

Our Characteristics

Methodist College is committed to providing a quality and innovative curriculum that not only prepares our students for academic excellence, but also equips them with suitable skills to meet the challenging demands of the 21st century.  


BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) and Use of Technology 

We experiment and engage with emerging technologies and pedagogies both inside and outside classrooms. 


All classrooms are equipped with additional hardware (e.g. Apple TV, double screens and projectors, touchscreen monitors for teacher, etc) to facilitate eLearning and interactive lessons in class. 


Owing to the impact of COVID-19 and the concerted effort of devoted teachers, the pace of eLearning development in the College was greatly enhanced. ELearning is adopted in all levels. 


The BYODD scheme is now implemented at all levels from S1 to S6. Read more


Students are learning effectively with the use of iPads.


STEM Education 

STEM education is promoted through a tiered approach with the joint effort of the following subjects: Science, ICT, DT and Math.



Target Students

How it is implemented


All students

Include STEM in the subject curriculum 


Students who are inclined towards STEM

Organize STEM activities outside the school timetable 


Gifted students with  marked interest / potential in STEM

Select and coach students gifted in STEM to join external training and competitions


Our student, Ethan Hui, received the First Class Award (Global Division) and the First Runner Up (Hong Kong Secondary School Division) in the Code Combat Global Code Quest 2020.



Raise the Quality of Student Learning and Students’ Work and Cater for Student Diversity

To increase students’ academic self-efficacy, build a more engaging classroom, and increase students’ enthusiasm for learning and confidence in learning, the following strategies are adopted in our school:



  1. To design high quality and meaningful students’ work
  2. To implement subject-based differentiated instruction strategies involving adjusting the content, process and product (e.g. scaffolding, flexible grouping and pacing and tiered assignments)
  3. To provide more support to students (e.g. providing guidelines & examples, building in class time for peer support and collaborative learning, etc.)


School Level

  1. To coordinate project learning across different subjects in S1-3
  2. To provide training to students on certain generic skills, e.g. presentation skills, IT skills, etc.



Gifted Education

Top and gifted students are selected into the Talent Pool where they get special training to further their talents in English, Chinese, Mathematics, Science, Humanities and Visual Arts. 

Every year, some students also successfully pass the online screening programmes and enroll in the Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education (HKAGE) which continue to stretch talents in our school. 



High-quality Teaching Force and Teacher Professional Development 

We have a high-quality teaching force that is committed to professional development.  

All of the teachers are degree holders, among whom 40, including the Principal, have one or more Master’s Degree, accounting for 73% of the teaching staff.

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We also emphasise continuous teacher professional development which could enable teachers to update their knowledge, improve their skills, and boost students’ learning outcomes. Many of our teachers have become certified Apple Teachers.

Click for more details.  


Our teachers are willing to share among themselves and reach out to benefit the wider professional community. 

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Our teachers were guest speakers at the eLearning Workshop organized by Shun Tak Fraternal Association Leung Kau Kui College on 16 October.

Our teachers are sharing their experience on eLearning in the 10th Learning and Teaching Expo 2019.


Methodist College has come a long way in providing holistic education, which includes not only increasing intellectual capacity, but also enhancing whole-person development. Different activities and programs are implemented in the following aspects: life education, extracurricular activities, broadening global horizons, careers planning and guidance.  


Life Education 

  • Experiential Activities 
  • National Education 
  • Healthy School Program

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Our students are collaborating to build a model tower. 


Extracurricular Activities 

The show must go on!


Broadening Global Horizons

To widen our students’ global perspective, incoming and outgoing cultural exchanges and immersion programmes are held every year. Below is a list of places visited by our students in the past.

Cultural Exchanges


Immersion Program (Outgoing)

UK, Canada, Singapore, Australia

Immersion Program (Incoming)

Italy, Japan, Finland, Russia, France, Germany

Sister School


International Competitions


United Arab Emirates and Japan (Scrabble)

Study and Cultural Exchange Tour


Career Planning and Cultural Exchange Tour


Voluntary Service


Leadership Training 

Malaysia, New Zealand

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A memorable overseas learning experience in Canterbury, England, for our students.


Career Planning

A. Career Curriculum for each form

S1: My Career Exploration (I)

S2: My Career Exploration (II)

S3: My Choice

S4: My Career Mapping (I)

S5: My Career Mapping (II)

S6: My JUPAS and Further Studies Plan

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「築 ‧ 動職涯」-青年敢夢創業市集 Read More


B. Major Activities 

  1. University program and admission talks from various tertiary institutions and organizations  
  2. Visits to various tertiary institutions and organizations 
  3. Careers advice to students  
  4. Seminars/programmes and group counseling sessions offered to students (e.g. S1 - 6 Careers Education, S3 Careers Day, S6 JUPAS Briefing, Alumni Sharing, Mock interviews, etc) 
  5. MCareers Program 

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1. Parents Education - Talk given by Education Psychologists

2. SEN Programmes

3. QEF Funded Project: Guidance & Life Education Programme 

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In order to provide both junior and senior students with a platform to use English in an authentic way, an English-rich environment, both within the English department and across the curriculum in other subjects, has been developed. 

Tailor-made learning materials in English curriculum

As the academic needs of our students are ever-changing, our English department creates tailor-made reading and writing materials. Our writing materials cover both genre-specific language and genre-specific features. Students are explicitly taught reading skills, with all covered by the end of Form 3. These unique features of our curriculum help to enhance students’ English proficiency. In order for students to gain an appreciation of both the language and culture of English, the school-based Language Arts Curriculum exposes students to different text types, including: poetry, drama, short stories and novels. Different form-based English activities are also arranged for students to use various English skills and showcase their talents and creativity. 

Form 1 2 3 4 5

Readers' Theatre:

Write & perform original script

Radio Drama:

Write & perform original script


Write & perform a sequel to the novel, Matilda

Social Service Project

Crossroads Foundation: 

Day camp & role play exercise


To learn more about the highlights of our English Department Read more


 Students performing their own script as a Radio Drama


Self-directed learning

Students’ self-directed learning is introduced in Form 1, in both the curriculum and through  activities, and continues at all levels.


Various modes of assessment including assessment as, for and of learning, are adopted in the curriculum, aiming at supporting our students to learn in a reflective manner, through self-directed and peer evaluation. 


To encourage students to cultivate their love in English and gain exposure to using English in different situations, a variety of English activities have been designed. 

Since its inception in 2011, the Gem Passport – a self-directed program, has been well-established as part of students’ school life English experiences at Methodist College. Students put forth much effort into taking part in a variety of English-related activities. From Sept 2020, this passport has been turned into an electronic version stored in students’ iPads. Attendance for different activities will also be taken electronically.


Performance of student-written script of Matilda


Speech Festival Winners 

 Language Across Curriculum

With an aim to enhance students’ English proficiency for learning content subjects in English and to ensure a better interface of junior and senior content subject curriculum, our school has launched the ‘Language Across Curriculum’ project since 2011. With the collaboration of the English Department, tailor-made content subject learning and teaching course materials in Mathematics, Science, History and Geography have been developed. Working closely with the Language Learning Support Section (LLSS) of the Education Bureau, our school case has been shared our lesson materials and students’ work to the LLSS website.


To celebrate our success and achievement, our work has been included in the updated CDC English Language Education Key Learning Area Curriculum Guide (Primary 1-Secondary 6) 2017 published by the Education Bureau, as good examples for all schools’ reference. An example (Example 2) can be found here.


Ongoing effort is being made to enhance Language Across Curriculum by the joint effort of different subjects. 



Different teaching and learning methodologies are adopted, with a variety of e-learning tools being used extensively on our campus, and at different stages of students’ English learning. Such tools are introduced at the pre-lesson, post-lesson and while-lesson stages, in order to arouse students’ motivation and improve the learning atmosphere of the classroom, while consolidating and reprocessing their learning.

 Teams and Competitions
  • English Ambassador
  • Rising Readers
  • English Society
  • English Debate Team 
  • English Drama Team
  • English Speech Festival 

 The use of English in all school major events and activities

  • School Assemblies
  • Morning Assemblies 
  • Staff meetings 
  • Sports Day
  • Founders’ Day
  • Minutes for meetings

The core values of the College are based on our acronym MC, where M is ‘Modesty’ and C is ‘Caring.  These are the core values on which we build the school community.  With modesty, all teachers and students are encouraged to be self-confident while being appreciative of others.  With caring, everybody seeks to love and be a blessing to those around.

Throughout the school year, various activities are organized to build peer support among students.  Our students also reach out in service to not only the local community but also the disadvantaged community overseas.


The activities include:



Self Reflection

F1 Growth Celebration

Peer Support

Class building functions

Service to fellow schoolmates

Big Brothers Big Sisters, Sports Day F6 coaching F1, F6 DSE Add Oil Cards, GSC Prayer Chain for HKDSE 2020

Service to the community or the world

Voluntary Service, Voluntary Service Trip to Cambodia, BAMS (Build a Music School) Concert 2019《成長的節奏音樂分享會》

Caring activities for teachers

Staff Development: Teachers’ Stress Management and Relaxation Activities


F1 Growth Celebration


GSC Prayer Chain for HKDSE 2021


Campus tour guided by their Big Sisters


Serving primary schools in the same district


Voluntary Trip to Cambodia 


BAMS (Build a Music School) Concert 2019《成長的節奏音樂分享會》


 Our Principal, Miss Wong, shares joy with our students

Being one of the 22 Grant Schools, the College treasures our missionary heritage and the high standard of education quality it brings.   With tremendous support from the Kowloon Methodist Church, we nurture our students to be future leaders who will serve the world with faith, hope and love.

The College’s motto is “Crede Ut Intellegas” Read More


Different activities are carried out every year: 

  1. Religious assemblies
  2. Student Christian Fellowing (SCF) meetings
  3. Regular morning prayers and Bible sharing time
  4. Morning prayer meetings
  5. Teacher Christian Fellowship meetings
  6. F1 Alpha course and Alpha camp
  7. Evangelistic Week 
  8. Easter SCF Camp
  9. Christian cell groups in different forms                                                                 

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Evangelical 2018-19 5 Color Sermon Workshop


Students at prayer


Students singing hyms at our school assebmly  


SCF Camp 2017-2018