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School Information


DISTRICT   Yau Tsim & Mong Kok

Mr. Leung Chi Shun

PRINCIPAL   Ms. Wong Pui Yi
BOYS / GIRLS / CO-ED   Co-ed
SCHOOL TYPE REMARK   Co-education Grammar School
SCHOOL MOTTO   Crede Ut Intellegas


Guided by the school education mission of the Methodist Church


Develop whole-person education based on Christian principles,
Nurture wholesome life through preaching of the gospel.


Methodist College is where students learn to follow the way of our Lord, Jesus Christ, bear the fruits of the Holy Spirit and have potentials developed to the fullest. Both students and teachers experience the intrinsic joy of learning, seeking the truth and knowledge, and striving for academic excellence through a comprehensive, whole-person well balanced curriculum in a community of love and justice. This learning community lightens up the surroundings through the collaborative actions of serving the needy.

Our school sponsoring body is the Methodist Church, Hong Kong . The statement below illustrates the relationship between the College and the Church:



Methodist College was the first established of eight secondary schools of the Chinese Methodist Church (now named the Methodist Church, Hong Kong). A group of church leaders conceived the idea of building a secondary school way back in the early 1950's to provide continued education for the graduates of Methodist School, which was opened in 1951. After putting a great deal of effort into the planning and fund-raising, a school building with only 12 classrooms was completed in 1958. The first school year commenced in September 1958 with an enrolment of 312 students in 8 classes ranging from Form 1 to Form 4.


There were 12 members on the teaching staff under the leadership of our first principal, Mr. Lee Lin Chi. The original planners envisaged a small, well-equipped and cosy school that would form a closely-knit community in which both teachers and students knew each other well.

The College was accorded status as a grant school from the very beginning. This placed the College on equal footing with some of the most established schools in Hong Kong. The College was officially opened on 1st November, 1958 by the then Governor of Hong Kong, Sir Robert Black, K.C.M.G. Since 1959, the 1st of November has been observed as our Founders' Day. Our annual Speech Day has been traditionally held on the same day until recent years. Founders’ Day is now celebrated on the first Saturday of November. It is usually a whole-day event with stall games and ball games in the morning, a thanksgiving service in the afternoon and an alumni dinner in the evening.

Our first class of Form 5 students took the Hong Kong School Leaving Certificate Examination in May, 1960 and our first Lower Form 6 began in September of the same year.

With large demands for school places in the territory, enrolment at the College soared over the years. The range of extra-curricular activities widened. Many clubs and societies were formed. Our Students’ Union, known to be the first in Hong Kong schools formed by open election by students, came into being and was inaugurated on April 4, 1960 with Lam Kiu Sum, a Form 5 student, as the first president. The Student Christian Fellowship also gradually assumed its present structure. The first school magazine of the College was published in 1961. On the cover is the familiar picture of John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, on horseback. The magazine was also given the name "Wesley" which sums up the spirit of the school. As the school expanded over the years, there was the need for additional classrooms. An annex, which is now our North Wing, was subsequently built adjacent to the basketball court. This became ready for occupation in September, 1963. The annex provided the College with 5 additional standard-sized classrooms which were bright and airy.

The College operated 19 classes with 3 streams (with class names Blue, Red and White) in each form from Form 1 to Form 5 and 2 each in Lower and Upper Form 6 until September, 1976. As a result of the government's expansion policy of secondary education, the College began to take in an additional stream in Form 1 (with the class name Green). Over the next 5 years, the College gradually expanded to its maximum enrolment of over 900 students in 26 classes with 4 streams from Form 1 to Form 5 and 3 streams in Form 6 and Form 7. After full transition to the 3-3-4 New Academic Structure in 2012, the College runs on 4 streams from Form 1 up to Form 6, with a total of 24 classes.

To alleviate the effects of traffic noise, the College installed air-conditioners in some classrooms and special rooms with funds raised by our Silver Jubilee Fund-Raising Campaign in 1983. The number of air-conditioned rooms increased gradually as more funds became available. Now all classrooms and special rooms are air-conditioned. The Lower Hall is also air-conditioned thanks to funds donated by students, parents and alumni in 1996.

To accommodate the additional classes, the library and the geography room were relocated while some rooms were re-constructed in 1987 and 1994. To meet the new demands of the education reforms, the facilities and technology of the school are improved continuously.

Into the new millennium, the College experienced rapid expansion in space. With the School Improvement Project (SIP) of the government, a new extension, now our South Wing, was built on top of the previous football field. Though much delayed, the project was completed in October, 2005, providing three classrooms and special rooms, as well as a spacious Student Activity Centre. From 2002 to 2014, the College was given short-term tenancy to use certain parts of the vacated campus of the previous Grantham College of Education at 42 Gascoigne Road. It was with great reluctance that the site was handed back in 2014. Luckily, in 2011, with the relocation of Methodist School to its brand new campus on Wylie Road, the College gained occupancy of its SIP Block, which became our East Wing with 6 classrooms, one brand new Computer Room, 3 split-class teaching rooms and one Student Learning Commons. Senior classes were moved to the East Wing, which released space on the second floor of the Main Building to house a brand new multi-purpose area, where students enjoy meals and share the fun of school life together as when the school was first built in 1958. To catch up with the technological demands of the digital era, wireless internet access is now available throughout the whole campus.


Emphasizing all-rounded whole person education, the College has been offering a broad curriculum. While strong emphasis is given to languages, liberal arts and the sciences, practical ‘life skills’ subjects like Home Economics is offered in junior forms, whereas a broad range of elective subjects including Applied Learning and Other Languages is provided in senior forms. English has been adopted as the major teaching medium right from the start.


The Incorporated Management Committee of Methodist College was formed in August 2013.

The College implements the mission of the Methodist Church: Christ-centered whole person education. We emphasize growth and a quest for excellence in all six domains: spiritual, moral, academic, physical, social and aesthetic. Starting from 2009, a school direction was formed basing on the acronym MCKLN – We are here to nurture Modest, Caring and Knowledgeable Leaders of the New era. These become the core qualities embraced by all staff and students. Besides academic pursuits, life education is much emphasized.


We proudly celebrated our Golden Jubilee in the year 2008-2009 with the theme “Transformation and Renewal”, which featured a Yau Ma Tei Project that raised our students’ concern of the community around us, as well as an English Musical We Are All in This Together, which chronicled the decades that the College has gone through alongside with the growth of the Hong Kong society, and was produced with the joint effort of alumni, teachers and students. In the year 2013-2014, we celebrated our 55th anniversary with a publication, Glistening 55, featuring the achievements of 55 outstanding alumni, and a Milestone 55 – Concert and Musical spectacular. The excellent performances of our students won high acclaim from all fronts, with the thriving spirit of the College felt and much strengthened through these activities which were enjoyed by all. In 2018-2019, the College celebrates our 60th Anniversary Diamond Jubilee with the theme “Grow in Love, Shine in Faith”. A feature documentary Love Eternity was filmed to capture the history and spirit of the College through sights and sounds. Other celebratory events include the Founders’ Day Thanksgiving Service, a grand reunion dinner, an Open Day and a Sports and Family Fun Day that brought all of those in the Methodist College family together. The 2023-2024 year marked our 65th anniversary. With the theme “MC65 – Connect and Shine”, we connected the College’s past with its present. A 360-degree interactive campus map with historical photos and videos was launched on our website. The campus was also renovated with a history wall and a history gallery with artifacts donated by alumni of different decades.


Into the new decade, the College is fast developing in e-learning.  With the adoption of the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) programme, all teachers and students are catapulted into an era of interactive learning that extends beyond the classroom boundary and opens to multiple ways of expression, while our core values remain intact.

Our Chaplains:

Rev. Thomas William SETTLE 司徒多馬牧師 1958-1965
Rev. MAN Kwok Wai 文國偉牧師 1966-1973
Rev. Geoffrey Roy SENIOR 沈立仁牧師 1974-1981
Rev. YEUNG Ho Man 楊豪萬牧師 1982-1990
Rev. LI Ping Kwong 李炳光牧師 1990-1995
Rev. YUEN Tin Yau 袁天佑牧師 1995-2001
Rev. CHAN Tak Cheong, Wilson 陳德昌牧師 2002-2014
Rev. LO Wai Ki 盧偉旗牧師 2015-2021
Rev. HO Wai Yee Winnie 何慧儀牧師 2021-present


Our Supervisors:

Rev. Frank EVISON   1958-1959
Rev. Arthur Desmond GILLILAND   1959-1963
Rev. Paul JEFFERIES   1963-1965
Rev. Frank EVISON 余維信牧師 1965-1971
Rev. Frank A. WHITE 白惠德牧師 1971-1974
Rev. Geoffrey R. SENIOR 沈立仁牧師 1974-1981
Rev. WONG Tsok 黃作牧師 1981-1989
Mr. LIN Huo Fu, I.S.O. 林和甫先生 1989-1992
Rev. Dr. LI Ping Kwong 李炳光牧師 1992-1999
Rev. YUEN Tin Yau 袁天佑牧師 1999-2001, 2011-2016
Rev. LO Wai Ki 盧偉旗牧師 2016-2017
Dr. CHEN Chung I Raymond 陳崇一醫生 2001-2011, 2017-2023
Mr. LEUNG Chi Shun 梁智信先生 2023-Present


Our Principals:

Mr. LEE Lin Chi 李連枝校長 1958-1965
Mr. WATT Hoi Kee 屈海圻校長 1965-1973
Rev. MAN Kwok Wai 文國偉牧師 1973-1980
Miss SITO Suk Han Helena 司徒淑嫻校長 1980-1994
Mr. KAN Ki Leung 簡祺亮校長 1994-2005
Miss PANG Shuk Mei 彭淑美校長 2005-2008
Miss WONG Pui Yi Emily 黃珮儀校長 2008-present


歷屆級社社名 (畢業年份)


1960 CE, 
1962 AL

1961 CE,
1963 AL


1962 CE,
1964 AL


1963-1973 CE,
1965-1975 AL 






1974 CE,
1976 AL

1975 CE,
1977 AL


1976 CE,
1978 AL


1977 CE,
1979 AL


1978 CE,
1980 AL


1979 CE,
1981 AL


1980 CE,
1982 AL


1981 CE,
1983 AL


1982 CE,
1984 AL


1983 CE,
1985 AL


1984 CE,
1986 AL 

1985 CE,
1987 AL


1986 CE,
1988 AL


1987 CE,
1989 AL


1988 CE,
1990 AL


1989 CE,
1991 AL

1990 CE,
1992 AL


1991 CE,
1993 AL


1992 CE,
1994 AL


1993 CE,
1995 AL


1994 CE,
1996 AL


1995 CE,
1997 AL


1996 CE,
1998 AL


1997 CE,
1999 AL


1998 CE,
2000 AL


1999 CE,
2001 AL

2000 CE,
2002 AL


2001 CE,
2003 AL


2002 CE,
2004 AL


2003 CE,
2005 AL


2004 CE,
2006 AL


2005 CE,
2007 AL


2006 CE,
2008 AL


2007 CE,
2009 AL


2008 CE,
2010 AL


2009 CE,
2011 AL


2010 CE,
2012 AL


2012 DSE


2013 DSE


2014 DSE


2015 DSE


2016 DSE


2017 DSE


2018 DSE


2019 DSE


2020 DSE


2021 DSE


2022 DSE


2023 DSE


2024 DSE


2025 DSE


2026 DSE


2027 DSE


2028 DSE


2029 DSE


2030 DSE











1. In old Kowloon there stands Ts'un To, a School beloved by all
Her name and fame we love to sing, her praises to recall.


2. With work and play and worship here, we fill each useful day
and seek to follow Him who is the Life, the Truth, the Way.


3. With Christian training forth we go, but memory's golden chain
shall bind us still with links of love, and prompt the old refrain.



Ts'un To, Ts'un To, to her we bring, with hearts and voices blending
the love and praise of youthful days, a song that knows no ending.





We build our School on Thee, O Lord;
To Thee we bring our common need;
The loving heart, the helpful word,
The tender thought, the kindly deed:
With these, we pray, Thy Spirit may
Enrich and bless our School alway.

We work together in Thy sight,
We live together in Thy love;
Guide Thou our faltering steps aright,
And lift our thoughts to heaven above:
Dear Lord, we pray, Thy Spirit may
Be present in our School alway.

Hold Thou each hand, to keep it just;
Touch Thou our lips, and make them pure;
If Thou art with us, Lord, we must
Be faithful friends and comrades sure:
Dear Lord, we pray, Thy Spirit may
Be present in our School alway.

We change; but Thou art still the same,
The same good Master, teacher, friend.
We change; but, Lord, we bear Thy name,
To journey with it to the end:
And so we pray, Thy Spirit may
Be present in our School alway.