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63rd Founders’ Day 第六十三屆校祖日

The 63rd Founders’ Day is scheduled for 6 Nov 2021, to remember our founders and show our appreciation to the school and the teachers who have nurtured our students. Since the safety and well-being of all our students, teachers, staff and friends have always been our top priority under COVID-19, please note that special arrangements will be made for the following events:

1. Fun Fair

Time: 8:30-10:30am (NOT open to guests, alumni, or parents)

Venue: Classrooms in our school campus

Only F1 and F2 students will be required to join this event. In view of the local development of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the recommendation from the Education Bureau regarding schooling arrangement, this event will not be open to guests, alumni, or parents.


2. The 63rd Anniversary & Founders’ Day and Coronation Ceremony

Time: 11:30am-1:00pm

Venue: Sanctuary, Kowloon Methodist Church

Alumni (graduates of 1971, 1981 and 1991) and all F3 to F6 students (except for the organisers and helpers in the Fun Fair or the ApL students) will be required to join this event. Others are cordially invited to view this live session on YouTube. See the link below.

Graduates of 1971, 1981 and 1991 should attend the rehearsal at 10:30am in Rooms 104-106 at Kowloon Methodist Church.


3. MCAA AGM and Alumni Managers Election

These events will be held from 1:30 to 3:00 in the Church Hall at Kowloon Methodist Church.

We believe that in the current climate, it is a responsible decision to avoid mass gatherings. We would appreciate your understanding and support of our decision.

Let’s unite, even if distances can divide.

Join us through the YouTube broadcast 


to celebrate the Founders’ Day, and witness the graduation anniversary of the Classes of 1971 (50 years), 1981 (40 years) and 1991 (30 years).


本校將於2021年11月6日(星期六) 舉行第六十三屆校祖日,惟受新冠肺炎疫情影響,為避免大規模聚集以保障各師生、校友及來賓健康,經慎重考慮後,本年校祖日將有以下特別安排,敬希垂注。

1. 嘉年華

時間:上午8時30分至10時30分 (此活動恕不對外開放


2. 校慶及校友加冕禮


地點: 循道衛理聯合教會九龍堂聖堂


敬請出席加冕禮的校友,於早上10時30分到達循道衞理聯合教會九龍堂104 至106室參與彩排。


3. 循道中學校友會周年會員大會暨校友校董選舉


校祖日開放日、各類球賽,校慶晚宴等,向來都是眾校友翹首以待的活動,以上活動雖因應疫情或縮減規模,或無奈取消,但全校師生仍會以喜樂和感恩的心,努力籌辦和參與各種校慶活動,不負校友所望。縱然我們不能在學校聚首一堂,但大家仍能安坐家中,透過YouTube觀看直播: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vedathYHeQ, 一同慶祝校祖日,並見證30、40及50周年畢業的校友與同窗知己重聚的喜悅。

