
Mathematics Department

Our Mathematics Department comprises a team of professional teaching staff who are fond of continuous professional development for the benefit of students. The department always explores various opportunities to cultivate students’ lifelong skills, such as problem solving skills and numeracy proficiency.

Flipped Learning

To foster students’ self-directed learning skills, the mathematics teachers have been including the elements of flipped learning in our teaching process, especially in the junior form students. Students are provided with pre-lesson exercises and self-explanatory videos, to allow students to better prepare their learning. The department is one of the participating schools in the project entitled Jockey Club Flipped Learning, through which our teaching staff work with experts in the field of flipped learning alongside educators from the universities, starting from 2020/21.

Catering for Learners’ Diversities

All students are unique. Our teachers are devoted to cater for students’ individual differences through the development of curriculum and the lesson structuring. The enrichment program, with the inclusion of advanced Mathematics topics and Olympic Mathematics, is provided to the more capable students in the formal curriculum, during mathematics lessons. On the other hand, the class size of the less capable groups is relatively smaller, so that teachers can offer additional attention to each student. The department also arranges remedial learning after school, for students in need.


Our Mathematics teachers have proactively included e-learning in our teaching. Students can instantly submit their response to teachers, while teachers can effectively provide feedback to students in the virtual environment, beyond the boundaries of the classrooms. Thus, interactive teaching and learning takes place. For instance, students may easily record their explanation, in addition to pure calculation of mathematics problems.

Our mathematics teachers have shared our teaching pedagogies through their writing in the following journals:

Yick, D. P., Li, L. M., & Ngai, M. H. (2017). Developing dialogic mathematics lessons in junior secondary classes. Proceedings of the Hong Kong Mathematics Education Conference 2017, 87-99. This paper is awarded with The Second Professor Siu Man Keung for the Outstanding Paper Award to Mathematics Teacher (第二屆蕭文強教授數學教師優秀論文獎) by Hong Kong Association for Mathematics Education.

Yick, D. P. & Leung, C. K. (2017). The Impact of Variation Theory for Secondary School Students on Acquiring Probabilistic Knowledge. International Journal of Educational Science and Research, 7(1), 167-178. This paper is awarded with the Best Paper Award by the editors.

The department head, on behalf of the department, shared the teaching strategies implemented in our lessons, by presenting in several conferences, including:

Yick, D. P. (2019). The Use of eLearning through LoiLoNote and GeoGebra in our Junior and Senior Form Classrooms. Presentation at Hong Kong Mathematics Education Conference, Jun 21, 2019.

Yick, D. P. (2017). The Effectiveness of Variation Theory in Learning Combinatorics. Paper presented at Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, USA, January 3-6, 2017.

Yick, D. P. (2016). The Impact of Variation Theory for Secondary School Students on Acquiring Probabilistic Skills. Paper presented at 2016 Hong Kong International Conference on Education, Psychology and Society, Hong Kong, China, December 14-16, 2016.

Our Mathematics department values collaboration among teachers, and students. Teachers aim towards helping students to grow,both in and beyond mathematics.