Business, Accounting and Financial Studies

To well equip our BAFS students with business and accounting knowledge and skills, we conduct the teaching approach of “WHY’ and “HOW”. Through the teaching process of concept building, students establish their own learning pace, with graded exercises and past paper questions. Students explore the latest business trends and accounting standards for learning, life and employment.

All BAFS teachers are dedicated and well experienced. All panel members have been public examination markers. The panel head has been an editor of Examination Practice and a reviewer of textbooks for a publisher. It is a great asset to offer updated and exam-oriented support to our student learning.

Junior Form

The S3 BAFS Taster Programme is implemented in the timetable to enable students to explore with this new subject for their appropriate decision making for their S4 subject selection. Four representative topics are selected, for a tailor-made curriculum. Students exploration of the BAFS world includes surfing websites about companies financial performances, the Stock Exchange, the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Accountants and BAFS-related news, as well as playing games and joining dialogues with BAFS alumni.

Marketing: Video report and Product study

Financial Analysis

S3 Stock Trading Guru Game Competition

Senior Forms

Success in a program of study is a student’s number one priority, but it is easy to become distracted from the goal. Accounting is a field that especially needs both the theory and the practice to perform easily and confidently on a daily basis. Whichever industry a student choose, applying these concepts can help him/her have a great career.

The aims and objectives are to provide students at senior secondary level with fundamental business knowledge and skills, and develop their positive values and attitudes, so that they can fulfill their roles competently and confidently as consumers, investors, employees and/or entrepreneurs. Also, we have to develop students’ generic skills in research, analysis, leadership, team-building, communication, critical thinking, creativity and problem-solving and transfer them to different domains. Last but not the least is to explore different aspects of business to prepare students for life, for learning and for employment.

Students are recommended to join HKICPA examination to earn more concrete public examination experience and professional qualification in addition to the HKDSE examination. Last year, the outstanding performance of a student was positioned in top 10 in the HKICPA Examination. Besides, students are encouraged to join different external subject-related activities: Business Proposal Competition 2020 (The Hong Kong Young Industrialists Council Youth Chapters and the Shue Yan University), Excellent Business Contest 2020 (The Hong Kong Community College), The Accounting and Business Management Case Competition 2019-2020 (The Hong Kong Institution of Certified Public Accountants), The Stock Trading Guru Competition (The Hong Kong Association for Business Education and the Chin Family), The Young Entrepreneur – Build Your Careers and The Dream of Youth (Po Leung Kuk and Citi Foundation).

The Young Entrepreneur - Building your careers

Open Day: BAFS students prepared interactive Personal Finance Concept game stalls with iPads for guest parents and students.

Visit to Strategic Public Relations Group Ltd

Inter-school Stock Trading Guru Competition

HK Institute of Vocational Education 會計新丁工作坊

Senior Form Stock Guru Competition