
Economics isn’t really about money!  Economics is the study of how people make choices.  Economics is interested in how WE – children, adults, businessmen, governments, and all countries – choose.  Economic analysis is applied throughout society, not only in business and finance but also in education, health, transport and housing, etc.


To align with the objectives of DSE Economics curriculum, the curriculum features at Methodist College are to nurture our students’ capacities in economic analysis, stimulate them to think about economic issues and to enhance their abilities to be self-directed learners.

Panel members in the subject are advanced degree holders and experienced Economics teachers.  Lots of school-based teaching and learning materials are prepared and designed to meet the above objectives.

Different economic issues are discussed in class so as to arouse students’ interest.  Through the subject curriculum, students can develop skills on interpreting economic information presented in numerical or graphical form; analysing the issues with the use of economic concepts and theories.  Besides, reading is strengthened in the subject curriculum to promote self-directed learning and to enhance the learning effectiveness.  The teaching and learning materials are well-organized and scaffolding is used to help students build confidence that helps them tackle more difficult tasks.  Assessment for learning is embedded into the subject curriculum and a wide range of assessment practices are designed for students to strengthen their reading skills, analytical skills and to enhance their abilities to analyse the social issues independently.


Besides academic studies, different activities are also held to increase students’ exposure and to enhance students’ leadership skills.  Many activities are organized by students under the BAFS and Economics Society, including the game stalls on Founders’ Day.  Students are also encouraged to join the HKUST Business YoungStars program.

Game stalls on Founders’ Day 

Game stalls on ECA Day 

Stock Trading Board Game Competition 

Book ExhibitionÂ